Adding Copyright to Posts
So I actually had two articles for today but I decided to go with just one and post the other one at a later date. Something I noticed on other blogs is a copyright (not copywrite as I am prone to type) notice. I figured it might be a good idea to add one in. Honestly I am ok with someone linking back to my blog and if it helps someone out with a project, I am all for that. This blog is learning experience for me and allows me to share my projects with others.
After reviewing the pages and other sites, I wanted to have it added to the end of every posts. Jekyll Now is a great base
to go off of since the pages are simple to read and easy to modify. That was one problem I had with Wordpress on my Raspberry Pi 3b, trying to make changes to the theme or to little things seemed like a task.
Markdown, HTML, and Jekyll are just easier for me to understand. If I ever meet Barry Clark, I am going to have to thank him for Jekyll Now.
So going though the site, I figured to best page to modify was post.html under the _layouts folder. Its original code looks like this
I figured I could just throw in a similar line right below it and be done with it.
That did not end well. I forgot to screenshot it but it just printed the percent sign.
After some trial and error, some resulting in just utter strangeness, I figured it was just best to duplicate the whole section
And that resulted in what I wanted, the Copyright notice with the year along with my name.
I liked doing this project this evening as it allowed me to get more familiar with adding images into my Markdown Posts. Also it tested me a little and had a good result when I got it right. My girlfriend was the one that caught my spelling mistakes. That prompted me to add in a spell checker into Visual Studio Code (my preferred code write at the moment).
Until the next time, thank you and 73’s